"Mom On Purpose" Podcast Promo Team

I'm SO EXCITED to launch the "Mom on Purpose" podcast, this summer! But I can't do it alone. I need help from dozens (gulp, can I ask for hundreds?!) of women across the globe to help me get this podcast into the hands, eyes, and earbuds of Christian moms. 


I can't do it without you!

Being a part of the Mom on Purpose Podcast Promo Team means:
  • you'd like to share about it on your social media pages (Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter...)
  • you'll be the first to know when I launch new episodes
  • you'll help me spread the word by leaving HONEST reviews on iTunes (I'll share links for this so you won't be winging it on your own!)

We're already recording episodes (some of the topics so far: organizing mental clutter, postpartum struggles, prioritizing family togetherness even when it's hard, the chaos of life with littles), and I'm SOOOO excited to share them with you, and with Christian women everywhere.

Will you join me as I get ready to launch this interview/conversational-style podcast to encourage Christian moms?
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